About Us
DainaaByRuzainahRashid was founded by a young Entrepreneur, Ms Ruzainah Bte Rashid, also known as Ain, a mother of 4, who started her solo entrepreneurship journey since 2015 & now currently leading a team of her own #teamruzainah.
- Mission:- To help as many SAHM to earn income from home without jeopardizing daily responsibility.
- Vision:- To help the first 100 entrepreneurs to achieve personal development & financial freedom through the products & services that are provided in this platform.
DAINAABYRUZAINAHRASHID was officially incorporated on 2020 & striving to reach out to many more individuals who share the same Mission & Vision as a team.
Join Us In This Journey To Success!
Lots of Love,
Ruzainah Rashid
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